John Chacon Photographer
From the frying pan into the fire during the 1992 LA Riots. It was then as a lowly production assistant and black and white film developer for a daily LA publication that I was encouraged to go forth, pick up one of the available Nikon cameras and begin firing away.
Because of that fateful event, I was able to sell my first photos as a freelance photojournalist. As a novice photojournalist I was able to cover various events for a variety of LA publications. In addition to the traditional news worthy events, I also covered earthquakes, fires, mudslides, & and of course OJ.
My lifetime has seen the film roll of 36 at a cost of 7 bucks (not including processing) to the unlimited CF cards of the digital camera.
It’s thru the traditional photojournalistic discipline I honed a mean trigger finger and the desire to document Southern California happenings. As a business owner of OPM Design in Burbank, I’ve still been able to do that for a variety of Southern California schools and nonprofits.
My true desire is to bear witness and document the world around us.
Need a photojournalist and a PS & LR expert? I’m your man — and just a click or call away.